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Financial performance you can trust

Are you at risk of getting your figures wrong?

  • Effortless financial forecasting and budgeting

    View financial performance snapshots of past, present and future revenue for your assets. Automated calculations show your daily financial performance in line with changing market conditions.

  • Know your missing data

    Calculate missing or inaccurate production data with our proven machine learning algorithm. Get the best estimations for your energy production values and generate the most accurate financial reports.

  • The data you can rely on

    Have peace of mind that reports you pass to the board or top management are fully accurate and will stand up to scrutiny.

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Optimise revenue as proficiently as major utilities

Could you be getting more revenue from your assets?

  • Calculate your future profits

    Produce sound financial reports, demonstrating future expected revenue for your assets and combined portfolio. Rely on proven financial methodologies devised by seasoned renewable experts.

  • Manage complexities of renewables

    Easily calculate revenue for your assets with complex PPAs, varying subsidies, GoOs, balancing fees, financial hedges, fluctuating generation volumes, and market prices.

  • Boost your asset revenue

    Exploit market prices. Know the best times to schedule maintenance or ramp up production. Base commercial decisions on market pricing rather than just potential production volumes.

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Better revenue management tomorrow and beyond

Are you ready for the new era of green energy trading?

  • Be compliant

    Effortlessly meet compliance regulations. Set the correct approvals workflow and ensure risk limits and regulations are adhered to across your organisation. Maintain data for audits.

  • Don’t give revenue away

    Know if invoicing is correct, have accurate data to show what offtakers have actually bought. Cross check PPA invoicing and have the power to challenge when errors occur.

  • Secure your critical data

    Implement all data and processes in one place and avoid losing critical information when employees leave the business.

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