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Właściciel fotowoltaiki ukarany za sprzedaż energii w nocy

W tym roku w Hiszpanii po raz pierwszy wystąpiły ujemne ceny energii. Jak wynika z raportu firmy Pexapark, w pierwszych 10 miesiącach tego roku godzin z ujemnymi cenami było na hiszpańskim rynku energii w sumie 224.

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In Europa rincarano i prezzi medi dei PPA da rinnovabili

L’Italia segna un +10% a novembre su ottobre, aumenti ancora più forti in Olanda e Francia. I dati Pexapark. Intanto Erg sigla un altro Power Purchase Agreement per l’eolico con Duferco Energia.

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España lidera el mercado de PPAs en Europa con una cuota del 23%

Pepe Zaforteza, regional lead PPA & BESS Transactions, que señala que “los casos de precios negativos vividos este 2024, con varios centenares de horas registradas, ha introducido incertidumbre en el mercado de PPAs para todos los stakeholders –vendedores, offtakers y también financiadores– y el mercado se está reposicionando”.

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PPAs For 1.054 GW Signed In Europe In Nov 2024: Pexapark

As of November 2024, 18 Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs) were signed to the tune of 1.054 GW. However, this represents a 10% decline in disclosed volumes and a more pronounced 26% drop in deal count, as compared to October 2024.

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Pexapark: 18 ευρωπαϊκά PPAs ύψους 1 γιγαβάτ υπογράφηκαν το Νοέμβριο

Οι ευρωπαϊκές εταιρείες υπέγραψαν 18 PPAs συνολικής ισχύος 1.054 MW τον Νοέμβριο, σύμφωνα με τελευταία έκθεση της Pexapark. Καταγράφεται έτσι σε σχέση με τον Οκτώβριο μείωση 26% στον αριθμό των συμβάσεων και 10% στον όγκο των συναλλαγών.

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Pexapark: 18 ευρωπαϊκά PPAs για 1 GW τον Νοέμβριο

Σύμφωνα με την τελευταία έκθεση της Pexapark, οι Ευρωπαίοι κατασκευαστές υπέγραψαν 18 PPAs για 1.054 MW τον Νοέμβριο. Το αποτέλεσμα είναι μια μείωση κατά 10% στον όγκο των κοινοποιούμενων συμβάσεων και μια μείωση κατά 26% στον αριθμό των συμφωνιών σε σύγκριση με τον Οκτώβριο.

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Pexapark records 18 European PPAs for 1,054 MW in November

European developers signed 18 power purchase agreements (PPAs) totaling 1,054 MW in November. The result is a 10% decrease in disclosed volumes and a 26% drop in deal count when compared to October.

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Iberdrola firma un nuevo 'PPA' para el parque eólico marino Windaker con la alemana Schwenk

Iberdrola es la empresa que más PPA firmó en Europa en 2023 con nueve acuerdos por más de 900 MW, según la consultora Pexapark.

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How hyperscalers are fueling the race for 24/7 clean power

In 2019–20, the Spanish government approved legislation that provides credit risk guarantees for energy-intensive companies engaging in large-scale corporate PPAs.2 This, alongside good natural resources and a large pool of experienced developers, has made Spain one of the most attractive locations for renewables development: for five consecutive years, the country has seen the highest contracted corporate PPA capacity volumes in Europe.

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Iberdrola logra tres nuevos acuerdos de venta de energía de 476 MW en España

Iberdrola ha sumado tres nuevos contratos de compraventa de energía a largo plazo (PPA, por sus siglas en inglés) por un total de 476 megavatios (MW). La compañía que dirige Ignacio Sánchez Galán ya es uno de los principales actores en el terreno de los PPA. En 2023 fue la empresa que más acuerdos firmó de Europa con 900 MW, según  Pexapark.

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Iberdrola closes three new deals to supply 476 MW of green energy on the Iberian Peninsula

According to the our Pexapark data, Iberdrola was the company that signed the most PPAs in Europe in 2023 with nine agreements for more than 900 MW. The electricity company has extensive experience in this sector and manages this type of contract in countries such as Spain, Portugal, Germany, Italy, the United Kingdom, Poland, Brazil, the United States, Mexico and Australia.

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Reliable production profiles, a technology mix and supportive policies: What do PPA offtakers want?

One of the topics discussed at length at last week’s Large Scale Solar Central Eastern Europe event in the Polish capital of Warsaw was the rapidly maturing nature of the Polish renewable power sector, where an influx of both capital investment and new clean power capacity additions has quickly changed the country’s energy sector.

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Baker McKenzie Advises 13 NSW Councils on Iberdrola PPA

Iberdrola has emerged as a leading European player in the rapidly expanding Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) market, with nearly 1,000 MW signed in 2023, as reported by Pexapark’s European PPA Market Outlook 2024.

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5 PPA Models Shaping Renewable Energy Procurement in US & Europe

As renewable energy becomes a larger part of power grids across the globe, challenges like negative negative prices and reduced value for standalone profiles, particularly solar, are emerging particularly in developed power markets.

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More PPA deals in Europe, smaller sizes, says Pexapark

Developers in Europe signed 29 power purchase agreement deals totalling 1,277MW in October.

Pexapark’s monthly PPA Tracker reported a 26% month-on-month increase in the number of deals and a 20% rise in the total megawattage of deals compared to September.

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Pexapark records 29 European PPAs for 1,227 MW in October

European developers signed 29 PPAs for 1,227 MW in October, according to the latest report from Pexapark.

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Los precios de los PPAs bajan en toda Europa pero suben un 1% en la Península

Según Pexapark, el precio medio registrado en octubre fue de 49,24 euros /MWh, lo que supone un descenso intermensual del 1,7%.

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POWER: EU PPA Market Sees 29 Deals in Oct, YTD Volumes Lag Behind 2023 Levels

The EU PPA market recorded 29 deals in October 2024, a notable 26% increase month-on-month in deal count, but year-to-date figures remain subdued, with 12.8GW recorded compared to 14.9GW by the same time in 2023, according to Pexapark.

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Exploring the 24/7 carbon-free energy (CFE) ecosystem – the future of corporate procurement

Eurelectric’s study with Pexapark has shown that hourly matching can also improve the effectiveness of renewable-based PPAs as a hedge against price volatility.

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Iberdrola e Acciaierie Venete siglano un accordo per la fornitura di energia rinnovabile

Il mercato dei PPA sta crescendo rapidamente, e Iberdrola si distingue tra i principali operatori in Europa, con quasi 1.000 MW firmati nel 2023, secondo l’European PPA Market Outlook 2024 di Pexapark.

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Iberdrola firma PPA de 12 MW con Acciaierie Venete en Italia para reducir 6,960 toneladas de CO2 anuales

Iberdrola, con amplia experiencia en la gestión de PPAs en mercados de Europa, América y Oceanía, cuenta con casi 1,000 MW de contratos firmados en 2023, según datos de la consultora Pexapark.

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На сонячні та вітрові станції чекає "серйозна проблема": експерт назвав причину

Відновлювані джерела енергії ризикують поступитися першістю в галузі обслуговування центрів обробки даних штучного інтелекту (ШІ) ядерній або навіть газовій енергетиці. Про це йдеться у статті співзасновника аналітичної компанії Pexapark Луки Педретті для порталу Recharge.

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Utmaning för nybart: AI-datacenter övertas av kärnkraft eller gas

Luca Pedretti, operativ chef och medgrundare av Pexapark i Zürich, påpekar att det växande behovet av datacenter som drivs av molntjänster och AI medför stora förändringar för hur förnybar energi köps och säljs.

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Iberdrola Secures Off-Site PPA With Acciaierie Venete Spa To Drive Renewable Energy Transition In Steel Industry

As a top European player in the growing PPA market, Iberdrola secured nearly 1,000 MW in agreements in 2023, as highlighted by Pexapark’s European PPA Market Outlook for 2024.

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'Renewables risk losing the AI data centre power prize to nuclear or even gas

The boom in demand presents an unprecedented opportunity for wind and solar – but only if it innovates rapidly, writes Luca Pedretti

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Dazi, idrogeno e sovraproduzione: le sfide per l’acciaio italiano

Iberdrola è uno dei principali attori europei nel mercato dei PPA con quasi 1.000 MW firmati nel 2023, secondo la società di consulenza Pexapark.

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Acciaierie Venete sigla un accordo con Iberdrola per la fornitura di 12MW di energia verde

Il mercato dei PPA sta crescendo rapidamente, e Iberdrola si distingue tra i principali operatori in Europa, con quasi 1.000 MW firmati nel 2023, secondo l’European PPA Market Outlook 2024 di Pexapark.

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PPA por 12 MW. Iberdrola se alía con el gigante siderúrgico italiano Acciaierie Venete para proporcionarle electricidad verde

De hecho, Iberdrola es uno de los principales actores europeos en el mercado de PPA con casi 1.000 MW firmados en 2023, según la consultora Pexapark.

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Iberdrola joins forces with Italian steel giant Acciaierie Venete to provide it with photovoltaic electricity

Iberdrola stands out as a leading Eurpean  player in the fast growing PPA market, with almost 1,000 MW signed in 2023, according to Pexapark’s European PPA Market Outlook 2024.

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PPA tra Ibedrola e Acciaierie Venete per 230 GWh in dieci anni

Iberdrola è uno dei principali attori europei nel mercato dei PPA con quasi 1.000 MW sottoscritti nel 2023 secondo la società di consulenza Pexapark.

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Iberdrola signs solar PPA with Italian steel producer Acciaierie Venete

Iberdrola stands out as a leading European player in the fast growing PPA market, with almost 1,000 MW signed in 2023, according to Pexapark’s European PPA Market Outlook 2024.

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Iberdrola firma un PPA de 12 MW con Acciaierie Venete en Italia

De hecho, Iberdrola es uno de los principales actores europeos en el mercado de PPA con casi 1.000 MW firmados en 2023, según la consultora Pexapark.

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Los precios de los PPA bajan en toda Europa en septiembre con un media del 4,2%

Los promotores europeos firmaron 23 PPA por 1,03 GW en septiembre. Esto supone un aumento intermensual del 125% en los volúmenes, tras agosto, que tuvo el resultado mensual más bajo del año.

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23 PPA europei per 1.034 MW nel mese di settembre

Secondo la società di consulenza svizzera Pexapark, a settembre, gli sviluppatori europei hanno firmato 23 contratti di acquisto di energia (PPA) per un totale di 1,03 GW.

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September sees lower renewable PPA prices, as volume of deals increases

Between August and September, the average price of a power purchase agreement (PPA) signed in Europe fell, while the total volume of electricity generation capacity signed for increased, with solar power remaining a cornerstone of the PPA sector.

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Pexapark records 23 European PPAs for 1,034 MW in September

European developers signed 23 power purchase agreements (PPAs) totaling 1.03 GW in September. The total volume of PPAs across the first nine months of 2024 stands at 11.4 GW.

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Statkraft firma PPA renovables en Polonia para 18 meses

A medida que el mercado crece. Statkraft firma PPA renovables en Polonia para 18 meses: la estrategia de la compañía

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Buzăul, element de bază pe piața energiei verzi

Volumul contractelor bilaterale directe de vânzare de energie electrică din surse regenerabile (PPA – power purchase agreement) a înregistrat o creștere spectaculoasă în România, triplându-se în acest an față de anul precedent.

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Crece el mercado de PPA en Portugal

1,6% más que en el primer trimestre. Crece el mercado de PPA en Portugal: la mayoría de los 4,3 GW en tramitación eligen este mecanismo

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Contractele PPA cu energie regenerabilă s-au triplat în acest an

Contractele PPA cu energie regenerabilă s-au triplat în acest an. De ce depinde viitorul pieței din România

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Contractele PPA cu energie regenerabilă s-au triplat în acest an

Volumul contractelor bilaterale directe de vânzare de energie electrică din surse regenerabile (PPA – power purchase agreement) s-a triplat în acest an față de precedentul, iar viitorul acestei piețe ve depinde, printre altele, de cum se va închide prima licitație CfD, potrivit unei prezentări făcute de firma Pexapark la evenimentul “Romanian Geen PPA”.

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电量过剩 需求疲软 欧洲负电价现象持续加剧


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Recomandăm Romanian Green PPA, pe 9 octombrie

Cea de-a treia ediție a Romanian Green PPA, primul eveniment dedicat tranzacționării energiei prin contracte de tip PPA va avea loc pe 9 octombrie 2024 la Biavati Events din București.

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Πρωταγωνιστές πανευρωπαϊκά ΔΕΗ και Metlen στη σύναψη «πράσινων» PPAs

Στους μεγάλους «παίκτες» πανευρωπαϊκά στη σύναψη «πράσινων» PPAs, αναδείχθηκαν την προηγούμενη χρονιά η ΔΕΗ και η Metlen, σύμφωνα με το Power Barometer 2024 της Eurelectric, της Ένωσης Ευρωπαϊκών Εταιρειών Ενέργειας που εκπροσωπεί περισσότερες από 3.500 επιχειρήσεις του κλάδου από 30 χώρες.

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Ενέργεια: Πρωταγωνιστές πανευρωπαϊκά ΔΕΗ και Metlen στη σύναψη «πράσινων» PPAs

Στους μεγάλους «παίκτες» πανευρωπαϊκά στη σύναψη «πράσινων» PPAs, αναδείχθηκαν την προηγούμενη χρονιά η ΔΕΗ και η Metlen, σύμφωνα με το Power Barometer 2024 της Eurelectric, της Ένωσης Ευρωπαϊκών Εταιρειών Ενέργειας που εκπροσωπεί περισσότερες από 3.500 επιχειρήσεις του κλάδου από 30 χώρες.

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Un PPA Off-site per 12 anni di energia da fonti rinnovabili

Iberdrola, azienda mondiale nel settore delle energie rinnovabili, e Prima Sole Components, Gruppo attivo nella progettazione e produzione di componenti per il settore automotive, hanno siglato un accordo Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) Off-site della durata di 12 anni per la fornitura di energia pulita.

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Contratos de energia na Espanha apostam em hibridização de eólica e solar para reduzir preços e garantir estabilidade

A Espanha está vivendo uma nova fase no mercado de contratos de compra de energia de longo prazo, os PPAs (Power Purchase Agreements). A canibalização de preços – resultado da alta produção de energia solar – tem pressionado o mercado, levando à adoção de contratos que combinam tecnologias de geração renovável, como a solar fotovoltaica e a eólica.

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Price cannibalisation triggers the signing of electricity contracts that combine wind power and solar photovoltaic

In Spain, long-term power purchase agreements, known as PPAs, have been signed that hybridise both technologies for a total of 1.3 GW in the first half of the year. Offshore wind power also promises a new era.

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La canibalización de precios dispara la firma de contratos eléctricos que combinan eólica y solar fotovoltaica

En España se han cerrado acuerdos de compraventa de energía a largo plazo, conocidos como PPA, que hibridan ambas tecnologías por un total de 1,3 GW en el primer semestre. La eólica marina promete también una nueva era.

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ΕΕ: Υπεγράφησαν 13 PPAs ισχύος 460,4 MW τον Αύγουστο

EU: 13 PPAs totaling 460.4 MW were signed in August.

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España tendrá el primer índice de precios del hidrógeno verde a final de año

Spain will have the first green hydrogen price index at the end of the year.

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España tendrá el primer índice de precios del hidrógeno verde a final de año

España contará con su propio índice de precios para el hidrógeno renovable. Si todo avanza según lo previsto, verá la luz a finales de 2024.

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Pexapark says European developers signed 13 PPAs for 460.4 MW in August

Swiss consulting firm Pexapark says European developers signed 13 power purchase agreements (PPAs) totaling 460.4 MW in August, down 62% month on month in terms of capacity.

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Los precios de los PPA aumentan en Europa y los CfD ralentizan los acuerdos en Reino Unido

Agosto registró en un descenso intermensual del 60% en los volúmenes, con un total de 460 MW en 13 acuerdos, el mes “más flojo de 2024 hasta la fecha”, según la consultora suiza Pexapark.

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Pexapark afferma che gli sviluppatori europei hanno firmato 13 PPA per 460,4 MW in agosto

La società di consulenza svizzera Pexapark afferma che gli sviluppatori europei hanno firmato 13 contratti di acquisto di energia (PPA) per un totale di 460,4 MW ad agosto, con un calo del 62% mese su mese in termini di capacità. Si tratta del volume mensile di PPA più basso dall’agosto 2023.

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Salzgitter Flachstahl secures solar power from Energiekontor

Auf ihrem Weg, den CO2-Ausstoß der Produktion drastisch zu senken, hat die Salzgitter AG einen weiteren Partner an Bord. Mit dem Projektentwickler Energiekontor hat das Unternehmen einen Vertrag zur langjährigen Lieferung mit Strom aus Solarenergie abgeschlossen.

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PPAs für zwei Solarparkprojekte in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern abgeschlossen

PPAs for two solar park projects in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania concluded.

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Energiekontor and Salzgitter Flachstahl conclude PPAs for two solar park projects in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania

Energiekontor and Salzgitter Flachstahl conclude PPAs for two solar park projects in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania

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Αύξηση των ΡΡΑ τον Ιούλιο στην Ευρώπη

Αύξηση σημείωσαν τα ΡΡΑ, οι μακροχρόνιες συμβάσεις προμήθειας ηλεκτρικής ενέργειας από ΑΠΕ τον Ιούλιο, τόσο σε αριθμό όσο και σε ισχύ, ενώ ανεβασμένες ήταν και οι τιμές στις οποίες έκλεισαν κατά μέσον όρο τα μακροχόνια συμβόλαια που υπογράφηκαν τον μήνα αυτό στην Ευρώπη, σε σχέση με τον Ιούνιο, σύμφωνα με τα στοιχεία της εξειδικευμένης εταιρίας Pexapark.

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Pexapark称欧洲开发商在7月份签署总容量达1.19 GW的24份购电协议

Pexapark的最新报告称,欧洲开发商在7月份签署了24份购电协议,总容量达1196 MW。与6月相比,7月份签署的购电协议数量增加了27%,共达成了24项交易。Pexapark表示,这使得7月成为2024年迄今为止第四强劲的月份。

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Según un informe de Pexapark. En julio se firmó un 27% más de potencia en PPA renovables

En el mes de julio se registraron 24 PPAs renovables por un total de 1.196 MW mientras que el período previo la potencia fue de 944 MW, lo que representa un aumento del 27%.

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Pexapark称欧洲开发商在7月份签署总容量达1.19 GW的24份购电协议

瑞士能源咨询机构Pexapark称,今年7月份欧洲开发商签署了24份电力购买协议(PPA),总发电量达1196 MW,环比增长27%。这些购电协议以太阳能交易为主,例如在法国达成的欧洲最大型分散式太阳能PPA。

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Αυξήθηκαν οι τιμές των διμερών συμβολαίων τον Ιούλιο

24 νέα διμερή συμβόλαια υπεγράφησαν τον Ιούλιο ανά την Ευρώπη, τα οποία αντιστοιχούν σε ισχύ 1.196 μεγαβάτ, σύμφωνα με τη νέα έκθεση της Pexapark.

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A luglio nuovo aumento per i prezzi medi dei PPA in Europa

Si è arrivati a 51,6 euro/MWh secondo Pexapark. Tra gli accordi maggiori, quello siglato in Italia da A2A con Enfinity Global per 134 MW di fotovoltaico.

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El precio de los PPAS en España subió un 2,6% en julio, según Pexapark

Se firmaron 24 PPA en julio en Europa con un aumento del 27% en los volúmenes anunciados, con un total de 1.196 MW.

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POWER: PPA Deals Remain Unchanged On Month in July

The number of PPA’s done in July was at similar levels in June at 24, however, the number of volumes disclosed climbed by 27% on the month to 1.196GW, Pexapark said.

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Pexapark says European developers signed 24 PPAs for 1.19 GW in July

Swiss consulting firm Pexapark says European developers have signed 24 power purchase agreements (PPAs) totaling 1,196 MW in July, with a 27% month-on-month increase in capacity, led by solar deals such as Europe’s largest decentralized solar PPA in France.

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SAE takes full ownership of BESS project at Uskmouth

Pexapark AG have been appointed to help with the procurement and negotiations on the PPA Optimisation Agreement, which will provide the long-term revenue streams for the project.

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GPI and Zelestra sign PPA for 83MW solar portfolio

Figures from Pexapark show that 2023 was a record year for the European PPA space, with 16.2GW of capacity covered by renewable power projects.

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Masdar Partners with Endesa in €1.7 Billion Renewable Energy Transaction in Spain

Pexapark provide PPA advisory support for Masdar as it partners with Endesa in €1.7 billion renrewable energy transaction in Spain

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Pexapark reports 1.5% decline in European PPA prices in June

Pexapark has published its latest report into the European power purchase agreement (PPA) space, noting a 1.5% decline in the average price of a PPA signed in Europe, from the end of May to the end of June.

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CEE Group und Goldbeck Solar nehmen in Brandenburg 155-Megawatt-Solarpark in Betrieb

Der Strom aus dem Solarpark „Döllen“ wird über ein Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) mit dem Versorger Engie vermarktet. Die Photovoltaik-Anlage steht auf einer ehemals landwirtschaftlich genutzten Fläche. Den Strom vermarktet Pexapark über ein Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) an den Versorger Engie.

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CEE Group and GOLDBECK SOLAR commission 154 megawatt peak solar park in Döllen, Brandenburg

Pexapark markets electricity via a Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) to the utility Engie for 155-megawatt ground-mounted plant “Döllen”  commissioned by The CEE group and Goldbeck Solar.

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Europe's solar power surge hits prices, exposing storage needs

Germany and Spain are still leading the PPA market, Jens Hollstein, head of advisory at PPA pricing platform Pexapark, said. However, solar producers were being forced to sell their power at increasing discounts to round-the-clock generators.

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Germany's Largest Solar PPA for 2024 Follows Record Deal Activity in Q1

Pexapark advises on one of the largest Solar PPAs the German market has seen to date, a 12-year, 208 MW PPA signed by Encavis Asset Management with chemicals giant LyondellBasell

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Deutschlands größter Solar-PPA für 2024 folgt Rekord-Deal-Aktivität im ersten Quartal – Pexapark

Elisabeth Rabe, Team Lead Investment Structuring, Encavis Asset Management AG, said: “Pexapark’s expertise has been crucial in navigating the growing but complex German renewable energy market.” As Pexapark advises on PPA deal.

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Pexapark says European developers signed 21 PPAs for 916 MW in January

Pexapark says the new year started with “robust activity” for power purchase agreements (PPAs). It says that lower power and commodity prices drove a 12.8% month-on-month decline in all tracked PPA prices.

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Octopus signs German PV PPA

The PPA, closed with the support of the advisory team at Pexapark, will see Octopus supply steel maker Salzgitter with 126,000MWh of clean electricity generated at the Schiebsdorf solar farm in Brandenburg, Germany, for a period of 10 years.

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EWG Taczalin and Respect Energy PPA announcement

According to market intelligence data from Pexapark, whose advisory team supported the transaction, this agreement represents the largest PPA signed with a utility offtaker in Poland over the past two years.

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Iberdrola lideró en 2023 el 'boom' de los PPAs en Europa con acuerdos cerrados para más de 900 MW

Iberdrola has led the boom in long-term power supply contracts (PPA) in the European market in 2023 , with agreements signed for a total of 908 megawatts (MW) in alliances with large multinationals, according to the European PPA Market Outlook 2024 report prepared by the consultancy Pexapark.

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New 'golden era' for European green power deals as Iberdrola tops sellers' list

Stable price environment and growing market maturity could spell a ‘new chapter’ in continent’s energy transition, according to Pexapark’s latest Market Outlook Report 2024.

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INTERVIEW: Pexapark sees 'golden era' for European PPA market, 350 deals forecast for 2024

Europe’s market for renewable power purchase agreements (PPAs) could see a record 350 deals this year as new regulation supports standardization, Pexapark’s chief operating officer (COO) Luca Pedretti said in an interview.

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Is the European PPA market on the cusp of a 'golden era'?

Annual report from Pexapark reveals PPA market grew 40 per cent last year, as demand for clean power continued to soar.

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Hybrid power purchase agreements for renewable generation co-located with storage

The co-location of renewable generation and energy storage demands new contractual arrangements to make such projects commercially viable. Jack Rankin, Miguel Valderrama and Brian Knowles of Pexapark explore how hybrid PPAs are becoming a favoured solution for structuring deals that capture the full value of both assets.

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Pexapark: produttori di energia rinnovabile in Italia alle prese con la volatilità dei prezzi zonali

Price disparities between different areas pose a substantial risk to the profitability of renewable energy producers, especially in southern areas such as Sicily, Sardinia and Calabria, where renewable energy supply alone can exceed local demand, Pexapark says in its latest report.

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Germany – Offshore Wind Farm Powers Green Hydrogen Plant Under Landmark PPA Deal

OWP Butendiek, an offshore wind farm in Germany, has signed a groundbreaking offshore power purchase agreement (PPA) with the support of Pexapark, a software and consulting company specializing in renewable energy.

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Existing German offshore wind farm to supply power for green hydrogen production as its subsidies run out

A long-standing German offshore wind farm has signed what’s claimed to be among the first deals of its kind to supply power for green hydrogen production with the support of Pexapark.

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German offshore wind farm strikes green hydrogen deal as end to subsidies looms

North Sea Butendiek project to deliver power for renewable H2 to unnamed ‘global leader’. Pexapark claimed the hydrogen-making offtake points the way to new secured revenue streams for other projects which, like Butendiek, are coming to the end of their time underpinned by subsidies from the German government’s former renewable support scheme, which is in the process of phasing out.

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Venture Capital Daily - Canadian Venture Firm Doubles Down on Fintech Despite Slump

Pexapark, a Switzerland-based market intelligence, software and advisory company specializing in renewable energy, secured €20 million in Series C financing led by Telstra Ventures.

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Pexapark raises €20M in Series C funding round for renewable energy services

Pexapark raises €20 million in Series C funding for expansion and development of its PPA transaction advisory services. The platform aids renewable energy sales and risk management globally.

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Headwinds of the Polish PPA market

“Competition and low bid prices versus increasing capex are the main reason for the undersubscribed auctions,” Cocquyt told pv magazine. “Solar PPA activity definitely picked up as the [contract-for-difference] strike prices failed to keep up with the wholesale market prices. However, market prices have retrieved since then, and there remains limited risk appetite for long term profile risk on the utility side.”

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Green hydrogen competes with big business for renewable PPAs

Green hydrogen projects could find it difficult to source additional renewable electricity supply owing to growing competition for power purchase agreements (PPAs), according to Rommero.

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Platts launches new Power Purchase Agreement indexes (3Pi)

Platts, part of S&P Global Commodity Insights, has begun publishing daily Power Purchase Agreement indexes on Feb. 21. The index series are powered by Pexapark PPA price references and will be known as Platts-Pexapark Power Purchase Agreement indexes, or 3Pi.

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Fears of a 'cannibal effect' in renewables: PPA contracts are expected to triple to 9 GW by 2023

According to the latest report from Pexapark, Spain tops the PPA deal chart for the fourth year in a row, this time revealing 3.2 GW of capacity in total. However, the launch of 40 GW of photovoltaic power in two years has raised concerns about the fall in electricity prices during solar hours.

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150GW later: The dizzying rise of the power purchase agreement

Pexapark’s analysis underscores how the global PPA market has surged over the past decade, as businesses have increasingly sidestepped wholesale markets to tap low-cost clean energy.

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The radical transformations of the PPA market - Feb23

Luca Pedretti dives into the intricacies of the PPA market.